Basic English for Primary School Students

Most primary schools start students on English from the first or second grade. The earlier they start, the better is the philosophy, and for the most part it is true. However, some students have difficulty grasping basic English, and by basic, I mean even the way words are pronounced in English as opposed to Danish.

If a student cannot grasp the sounds of the English alphabet, they have to guess what words mean and they will start doing this, thinking it is what they are supposed to do. Soon they begin reading stories and studying grammar in class while they are still unsure of how to read.

With classes of 20 to 30 students, a teacher may not realize just how much difficulty the student is having or may not have the resources to address it. The student will mistakenly think that English is “hard” or that they are just no good at it.

For over ten years, we have been helping such students get a basic grasp of the English alphabet, which begins with all of the vowel sounds. They learn the difference between how the words “hop” and “hope” or “Dan” and “Dane” are pronounced, along with all of the other sounds in English that can be challenging. Many high school students and adults still have problems pronouncing words with “th”, “v” and “w.”

Our FEGU English program takes the students through basic English sounds so that within two lessons, the student is able to comfortably and confidently read whole sentences and realize that learning English is well within their grasp. From there they learn basic grammar and spelling of hundreds of words. Many students are able to then follow along in class within three months of weekly lessons.

There is no need for your child to struggle with English when we have the tools to help them. Contact us for a free interview and English level test.

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